Monday, June 27, 2011

Beach Bag Checklist

I've compiled a list of the things I feel are necesary for a day at the beach. For each item, I'll include a link to Amazon. I do want to be completely h

onest with you guys though. I do get a 15% comission for recommending anything you guys buy from this post. The things I post a

re obviously not the only thing you can buy, just what I would pick. Now let's get to the blogging:)

Obviously, the first thing you're going to need is a tote bag. I would recommend a durable bag that's colorful. I'll list several offers that suit different price ranges. All of these except for the olive and figs brand one have zippers which is a big plus because it will keep everything held in. Of the three, I personally would go with the large clear one because the plastic wouldn't stain and would be at least mostly water proof although my favorite is the pink and white striped one because it's nice and colorful.

The next thing I would recommend would be sunscreen and lots of it. This you can pick up at your local drugstore so I won't post any links. You need at least 15spf to be safe though. I'd also get some waterproof lip balm and mascara.

Something else that's super fun are the game board beach towels. They're a great way to get extra attention and start a conversation. I would go with twister or something like that because it is very competitve. I also love to bring along a frisbee when I'm going with a group of friends because a pick up game of frisbee is a great way to meet new people.

I would also throw in a good book and a cheap pair of sunglasses that won't matter if you lose them. It's also a good idea to throw in a cheap pair of flip flops in case yours get broken or lost. I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had another pair of flip flops. You could get a spare pair somewhere like walmart for dirt cheap.

It's also a good idea to pack lots and lots of water and foods that won't go bad or make you sick in the summer heat. If you guys can think of anyting I left out just post it in the comments. I hope this was helpful. Email me at with any and all blog requests and I'll do my very best to make it happen.

xoxo, Jes